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You may remember a few months back we posted an article on the Nutshell napping pod, ‘a pod-inspired platform for productive break-taking’. Well there is a new phenomenon in town, introducing the nap desk!
Created by Greek company Studio NL the nap desk is currently only in prototype stages. It has been designed and built for maximum napping efficiency, creating the perfect privacy for those 3pm crashes most workers get. The designers said that “The main concept was to comment on the fact that many times our lives are ‘shrinking’ in order to fit into the confined space of our office. This desk could be used for a siesta or for a few hours of sleep at night on those days when someone struggles to meet deadlines.”
While taking a nap in the office sounds like the perfect way to get us through the working day, is it something we really need? In an environment where social interaction and productivity are key to creating a successful team, there is an argument that a nap desk might have the adverse effect – actually encouraging isolation as a result. If you’d rather power through the working day nap-free, there are other ways to help your staff stay energised. By staying hydrated all day, we can keep our minds and bodies alert and minimise the need for napping. So, would you welcome a nap desk into your workplace? If a nap desk isn’t for you, there are more traditional ways to help your team recharge throughout the working day. Invest in one of Eden Springs’ eco-friendly coffee machines or water coolers to help your employees stay awake, alert and hydrated all day long.