GPs rule dehydration as the cause of tiredness

Health & Well Being at Work


Do you often feel tired or fatigued? Is this affecting your productivity and motivation whilst at work? Well maybe you are not drinking enough water! A recent study conducted by The National Hydration Council reveals that dehydration is thought to be the cause of one in ten visits to the GP in the UK for tiredness and fatigue. This diagnosis came as a shock to some patients with more than a third of them notably feeling better after drinking more water.  

More findings reveal that:

Image courtesy of The National Hydration Council Image courtesy of The National Hydration Council


  • One fifth of GP visits are down to tiredness and fatigue

  • Dehydration is thought to be the cause of one in ten consultations for tiredness and fatigue 

  • Half of GPs in the UK would prefer to have more time to look at people’s hydration habits

  • GPs advise people follow the NHS recommendations on daily fluid intake


How much water do you need to drink?

1 in 250 people fail to meet their total daily fluids needs in the UK, so use the Eden Springs water calculator to find out how much water your body really needs.    

The right way to drink water

Drinking water can have various health benefits but also remaining hydrated helps your brain to stay alert and motivated throughout the day. This will no doubt increase your workplace motivation. If you are someone who doesn't particularly enjoy drinking water check out out tips on how to make it a bit more exciting.   5 fun ways to make your water more exciting why-is-water-important water-time